Presidential Protection for Students

Every day, millions of students across the country go to school, hoping to gain an education, make friends and prepare for their future. Schools should be a safe place to explore, learn and engage. However, the reality doesn’t always match the ideal. With an increase of violence in schools, educators need to equip themselves with the best tools possible to keep their students safe.

SHIELD is the latest offering from Secure Environment Consultants, which places our highly trained and experienced SHIELD Safety Managers directly in your halls.

For more than 10 years, SEC has worked with thousands of schools across the country to create safe learning environments. With a team of former Secret Service agents, Navy SEALS, Green Berets, FBI agents and other high-level law enforcement professionals, we provide presidential-level security assessments, planning and training.

SEC SHIELD brings the power of unparalleled safety expertise so you can focus on what’s important: Providing your students with the best education experience possible.

Human-Centered Approach

We believe building strong relationships with students and staff is integral to our success. We don’t just monitor the halls – we engage to build meaningful connections. We strive to feel the pulse of the school to head off any potential issues. We know a focus on humans is the first line of defense.

Our extensive SEC Certified training program utilizes a holistic approach to cover:

Safety Manager

SHIELD is the latest offering from Secure Environment Consultants, which places our highly trained and experienced SHIELD Safety Managers directly in your halls.

For more than 10 years, SEC has worked with thousands of schools across the country to create safe learning environments. With a team of former Secret Service agents, Navy SEALS, Green Berets, FBI agents and other high-level law enforcement professionals, we provide presidential-level security assessments, planning and training.

Directors of Safety and Security

Our Directors of Safety + Security work in collaboration with your district leadership and school administration to establish appropriate regulations, procedures and plans to ensure safe and secure schools, including overseeing any district security staff.

With backgrounds in law enforcement, our directors have the knowledge and know-how. They also have the full force of SEC behind them, meaning your district will have access to our executive team and entire suite of tools and services, ensuring your schools are never left on their own without backup.

Ready to bring the power of SEC SHIELD to your school?

Reach out to us using the form below to start the conversation.

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